Sabtu, 8 Mei 2010


    Didalam kehidupan terkadang terselit kemanisan .Disebalik kesetiaan terkadang terpalit pengkhianatan. Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui. Allah yang mengatur segalanya. Bersabar dan berserah pada ketentuan-Nya



I lost my word when i with you. My tongue freeze like never before. But my heart dying to say the word. Teh magic word. The wowrd that can shatter the whole wide world. It's been a war, death , suffering and hunger for that word.



My body trembling by the touch of your voice's and it's echoes in the realm of surreal. Like a night in winter but your voices given tha fire within me. A chill of winter is nothing compare the warm of your sweet little laugh.

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